Bretz designs and manufactures fantastically sensual furniture for freespirits and eternal enthusiasts

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Character of the Month


Bretz Review 2024

A year full of wonders and milestones is coming to an end - a year that has inspired and enriched us.

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Bretz wishes you a Merry Christmas

We would like to thank our loyal fans, customers, partners and colleagues. You have made 2024 a special year! We wish you all a Merry Christmas,...

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Catalog 2025

Order the new Bretz catalogue with all True Characters as a printed version directly here or browse through it online immediately.


Manufacture with heart - objects with soul. For the production of our furniture, we have always relied on traditional craftsmanship made in Germany and people who are passionate about their job.


We are known for our unique, elegant upholstery fabrics: Bretz velours. These fabrics are more than just materials - they are an expression of style, quality and creativity.

Now Trending

They exist, these pieces of furniture that are not only functional, but also extraordinary and yet timeless. In the best cases, they also tell an exciting and unique story. One such piece of furniture is our iconic Ohlinda sofa, which is celebrating its tenth anniversary this year: A true true character and Bretz classic!


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Keep up to date with what's happening at Bretz and be inspired by characterful stories and trends!

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Der neue Bretz Katalog 2025 ist da! ✨
Tauche ein in die Welt von Bretz und entdecke phantastisch-sin...
Der neue Bretz Katalog 2025 ist da! ✨
Tauche ein in die Welt von Bretz und entdecke phantastisch-sin...
Der neue Bretz Katalog 2025 ist da! ✨
Tauche ein in die Welt von Bretz und entdecke phantastisch-sin...
🇩🇪Eine Reise in die Welt der Sinne, eine Hommage an 130 Jahre mutiges Design, Leidenschaft und vis...
🇩🇪Heute durften wir im Bretz Store Frankfurt Presse und Partner willkommen heißen und erstmals uns...
🇩🇪Zum Anlass der Ambiente Messe präsentieren wir im Rahmen unseres Firmenjubiläums nicht nur den n...


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