Velours, the fine art and a real diva

We are known for our unique, elegant upholstery fabrics: Bretz velour. These fabrics are more than just materials - they are an expression of style, quality and creativity.

From a magical and sensual selection of 120 designs and colors, you can choose the upholstery of your dreams. Each velour is designed to give your home a special atmosphere and individual character.

What sets our velours apart is their exceptional durability. The high-quality materials and careful workmanship ensure that your furniture will retain its beauty and elegance for many years to come. A Bretz velour will become a loyal companion that will give you pleasure for a long time.

Let yourself be enchanted by the variety and quality of our velours - experience the combination of timeless elegance, inspiring color variety and lasting durability.

Velours mon amour

We create our fabrics together with specialized textile manufacturers from Italy, Belgium and Germany.

We offer a range of dazzling plain covers in a variety of colors. Our characterful patterned covers are ideal for combining with these. Take courage when planning your True Character! We are convinced that you will never get tired of your favorite colour.

But which velours is the right one for me? What is the difference between the various fabric groups, what is a jacquard fabric, what is a mohair? To help you understand our velours and gain an even deeper insight into our collection, we invite you on a journey through the wonderful world of velvety velour fabrics.


70 4042 eisbär
68 4085 polarfuchs
68 5135 paradise
68 3115 mikado
68 1035 gobelin
678055 wildcat
677153 savanna
67 7119 margaux
67 7117 ruby
67 3948 boa greige
67 3932 boa türkis
67 3919 boa bordeaux
67 3848 arabesk greige
67 3832 arabesk türkis
67 3819 arabesk bordeaux
66 8480 eisgrau
66 8466 goldfish
66 8439 salvia
66 8438 midsummer oliv
66 8430 rain forest
66 8417 deep purple
66 7583 grigio
66 7580 lino
66 7542 nuvola
66 2428 blue hour
66 2085 silbersschimmer
66 2020 caribicsschimmer
65 9687 platin
65 9685 frappé
65 9681 feather grey
65 9680 moon dust
65 9675 marigold
65 9632 lagoon blue
65 9622 curacao
65 7949 fiffi
65 7275 caramel
65 7249 salt and pepper
65 7224 wild ocean
65 0322 blue moss
64 2975 gold
64 2960 orange
64 1985 cashmere
64 1984 powder grey
64 1978 gold green
64 1968 terra cotta
64 1934 dark cyan
64 1922 amalfi
64 1916 pink
61 9487 twilight
61 9486 austernpilz
61 9482 anthrazit
61 9480 silver nugget
61 6542 snowflake
61 9440 vanilla
61 9431 smaragdgruen
61 9426 enzianblau
Test 1
61 9417 brombeere
61 9412 tomato
65 BOH01 greige
65 BOH02 honey
65 BOH03 chili
65 BOH04 off white
65 BOH05 powder
65 BOH06 moonlight
65 BOH10 sand
65 BOH11 taupe
65 BOH12 warm grey
65 BOH13 ice
65 BOH14 pearl blue
65 BOH15 flamingo
65 BOH16 stone
65 BOH20 dusty pink
65 BOH32 smokey grey
65 BOH33 nordsee
65 BOH34 cloudy sky
65 BOH35 heaven
65 BOH36 crimson
65 BOH37 violet
65 BOH38 amethyst
65 BOH39 mud
65 BOH41 sunny green
65 BOH44 stormy
65 BOH45 concrete
65 BOH46 amber
65 BOH47 bordeaux
65 BOH48 sea weed
65 BOH49 black
65 BOH50 denim
65 BOH51 deep sea
65 BOH52 coral
65 BOH53 toscana
65 BOH54 rosewood
65 BOH55 black berry
65 BOH57 hibiscus
65 BOH58 grape
65 BOH59 deep teal
65 BOH60 sea foam
65 BOH61 aquamarin
65 BOH63 salmon
65 BOH67 oliv
65 BOH68 dark emerald
65 BOH70 jamaica
65 BOH71 malachit
65 BOH73 swimming pool
65 BOH74 sandalwood
65 BOH75 maledives
65 BOH76 pale blue
65 BOH78 blueberry
65 BOH79 rose
65 BOH80 candy
65 BOH81 azure
65 BOH83 rosy brown
65 BOH84 ocean
65 BOH85 blue blossom
65 BOH86 purple
65 BOH87 lavender
65 BOH88 sugarcane

The classification is not an indicator of the quality of the respective material. Each fabric has different properties that may be important to the individual customer. Further information on material composition, grammages and finishes such as special weaves, digital prints or stain protection can be found in our fabric manual and care booklet.

Differences in materials

Needs are different. Our velours are made from synthetic fibers, natural fibers or a blend. Find out the differences here.

Synthetic fiber

Synthetic fibers are particularly robust and easy to care for. As dirt cannot penetrate synthetic fibers, it can almost always be removed. In addition, velour made from synthetic fibers is significantly cheaper than velour made from natural fibers. The velvets from fabric groups 61, 63, 65 and 64 Happy Velvet, for example, are synthetic fiber velvets and are suitable for all those who want a robust and durable sofa cover, for example if pets or small children live in the household.

Natural fibers

Natural fibers are all fibers of natural origin. Natural fibers are more sensitive to stains than synthetic fibers and are therefore often provided with additional stain protection in our fabric collection. In the Bretz collection, velvets made from natural fibers include, for example, Vintage-Velvet and Bohème Vintage-Velvet fabric groups 64 and 65, both made from viscose. Also in fabric group 70 is the mohair velour made of pure mohair.

Blended fabrics

Blended fabrics are often a great alternative to pure viscose velvets. By adding other yarns, the viscose yarn is “supported” and is therefore much less prone to pressure marks. Viscose blended velour fabrics are, for example, those in fabric categories 66 and 67.

Colors & Textures

Our range of fabrics is diverse. As colourful as a rainbow or subtle and intense to the touch. What is your favorite colour? Do you prefer a long or short pile? Give your creativity free rein when planning!


Jacquard is a weaving process that was developed in 1805 to weave patterns in velour for the first time. Our velours de gène are produced using this method. These velours can then be digitally printed. Our arabesk, boa, gobelin, mikado and paradise fabrics, for example, are produced using this very complex process.

Like a wild flower meadow, Ohlinda combines a wide variety of colours and textures. In the seat: 66 8438 midsummer oliv, in the backs: 64 2975 gold, 64 2960 orange and 68 1035 gobelin.


We combine structures, colours and patterns in the form of mood boards. We develop magical, sensual designs, which are then further developed with the textile manufacturers until our velour is finally created. The result of this collaboration: unique, individual fabrics developed exclusively for us.

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