
Manufactory with Heart - Objects with Soul

For the production of our furniture, we have always relied on traditional craftsmanship, people who do their job with passion, understanding and heart, as well as the best materials.

Basically, the sofas consist of a robust wooden frame, spring core and a complicated layering of foams of different densities. These must be so perfectly coordinated that they provide the typical Bretz seating comfort, which on the one hand tempts you to sink into it and on the other offers stability. In the back, sturdy upholstery straps and a foam structure with extra kidney support usually provide the right support, because one thing is very clear with Bretz: you have to feel the tingling sensation of not wanting to get up again between the poles.

Bretz models:

What's inside?

To ensure that our True Characters meet the board's own requirements in terms of seating comfort and quality, each sofa has to go through many stages of production in our factory. Before the model receives its clothes, the basis must first be created - together with a wooden frame, a well thought-out, multi-layer foam structure and the right slat base, your personal favorite piece is created.

Rich in detail, unique, durable and incomparable seating comfort: find the perfect balance between sinking in and support!

Our production film gives you an impression of how Bretz's colourful characters are lovingly handcrafted:

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