A year full of wonders and milestones is coming to an end - a year that has inspired and enriched us.
We would like to thank our loyal fans, customers, partners and colleagues. You have made 2024 a special year! We wish you all a Merry Christmas,...
Die Weihnachtszeit steht vor der Tür, und damit auch die alljährliche Suche nach dem perfekten Geschenk. Für alle, die das Außergewöhnliche lieben...
Close your eyes, weightlessly float up into the clouds and take a bird’s eye view of life – this sense of pure relaxation and getting away from it...
The particularly fascinating dreams are not linear, but multidimensional, almost real. The Balaoo bed reminds us that not only is anything possible...
Spring is the time of new beginnings, when nature awakens from its winter slumber and enchants us with its blaze of colour. Once again, we are...
The world of Bretz is a home for free spirits and eternal enthusiasts. Unconventional ideas and dedicated craftsmanship result in furniture designs...
A summer day by the pool: Sparkling water, the taste of popsicles, that slowly melts in your mouth and the feeling of sunshine on your skin. Poolside...